Corporate Payroll Services

Benefits and Insurance

Make running your business a bit simpler by keeping your payroll services, employee benefits and insurance under one umbrella.  Corporate Payroll Services offers a variety of employee benefits and business insurance which are suitable for businesses of any size.  Browse our options below and contact us today for a custom quote.

employee benefits through CPS

Employee Benefits

Save time and money with an attractive benefits package which can help retain your team.  We offer group insurance solutions designed for businesses with a minimum of two employees.

workers comp image

Pay As You Go Workers Comp

Cover your workers with no down payment and pay more accurate premiums which are calculated based on your actual payroll amounts which helps to avoid large year end audits. 

umbrella insurance through CPS

Business Insurance Solutions

With solutions such as general liability insurance, property insurance, commercial auto insurance, and more, we have your business covered.

Retirement plans for small businesses

Retirement Plans

With our retirement plans, you’ll have a range of options to accommodate your evolving needs and help meet the retirement aspirations of your employees.

Telehealth by Corporate Payroll Services


24/7/365 access via phone or video consultation with licensed physicians who can consult, diagnose, and if needed, prescribe medication for common and acute illnesses. Â