Aug 14, 2018 | HR Regulations, Human Resources
Let’s imagine a situation. Wendy, who’s been on the job for only four months, informs her employer that she’s pregnant. She requests light duty and asks if temporary leave is an option. Instead of accommodating Wendy, the employer terminates her employment,...
Four Misunderstood Terms in the Americans with Disabilities Act
Aug 9, 2018 | Human Resources
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to a lot of organizations—all public employers and any private employer with 15 or more employees.  Nevertheless, there’s a lot of confusion about what the law requires and what its terms entail. A big reason for this...
How to talk to an employee with bad hygiene (and what to avoid!)
May 17, 2018 | Human Resources, Industry News
You’ve just gotten back to your desk from a lunch appointment when several employees come to your office requesting a brief meeting. When you invite them in, the group informs you that Jerry, a reliable and hard-working employee, has started to show signs of bad...