Jun 2, 2020 | Human Resources, Regulatory Updates
Question: Does “at-will employment” mean we can terminate without risk? Answer: No, termination always comes with some risk, even when the employment is at-will. While at-will employment allows either you or the employee to terminate the employment relationship at...
Nov 4, 2019 | Human Resources
While all terminations carry some inherent risk, there are some best practices that can reduce risk significantly: Documentation Good, ongoing documentation is your best defense to any challenge, whether from the employee in the termination meeting, the state...
Sep 26, 2018 | HR Regulations, Human Resources
Your employee gives two weeks notice. Do you have to let her continue to work and pay her for those two weeks? Assuming there is no contract or agreement to the contrary, you’re not required to keep an employee on during their resignation notice period or compensate...
Employee Termination Meetings: When and Where
Sep 12, 2018 | Human Resources
Employee termination meetings are among the most difficult tasks managers and human resource professionals are called on to carry out. It’s hard on the terminated employee and often on their co-workers, as well. By planning ahead, finalizing paperwork and thinking...
How to Avoid Wrongful Termination Claims When You Let an Employee Go
May 29, 2018 | Human Resources, Industry News
There are many reasons for terminating employees. There can be well-documented performance rationale. Your company may be downsizing due to a market contraction. In an acquisition or merger, you may need to eliminate duplicate roles. Whatever the reason,...