Mar 24, 2020 | Benefits, Human Resources, Industry News
Including the information in the link below, this is all we currently know about the payroll tax credit under the FFCRA and how to access or administer it. Â We will update the HR Support Center as soon as new information or guidance is available. On Friday, March 20,...
President Signs Emergency Paid Sick or Family Leave Legislation
Mar 20, 2020 | Benefits, Human Resources, Industry News
On March 18, President Trump signed H.R. 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which includes several payroll-related provisions. Emergency Paid Sick Leave Effective April 2 through December 31, 2020, private employers with fewer than 500 employees...
How to Get the Medical Help you Need While Social Distancing.
Mar 19, 2020 | Benefits, Human Resources, Industry News
We have noticed there have been a lot of discussions surrounding Telemedicine, given current events, and we have received questions regarding this service. Telemedicine gives your employees around-the-clock access to board-certified physicians via phone or video....
10 Answers for Employers Navigating the coronavirus
Mar 19, 2020 | Benefits, Human Resources, Industry News
As the 2019 novel coronavirus spreads, employers are faced with many dilemmas and are searching for clear answers to their many concerns. Â Employers want to know how they can protect their employees, what their obligations are under the law, and what steps need to be...
Innovative Ways to Keep your Business Running while Social Distancing
Mar 18, 2020 | Benefits, Human Resources, Recruiting
A global pandemic may be an uncomfortable situation for employers and business owners, but there are ways to minimize the effect on how you operate your business. Other than with businesses like restaurants, manufacturers, retailers, etc. which require a physical...