Aug 7, 2018 | Human Resources, Recruiting
…and Attract the Best Candidates We’ve reviewed the basic elements of a job description, what it is and why you need one. When you’re looking to add key members to your team, you may be tempted to use that job description as a job post on your website and job...
What are the key elements of a job description?
Jul 12, 2018 | Human Resources, Recruiting
A job description defines the duties and responsibilities of a position, identifying the actual work accomplished or to be accomplished by the person in the job.  It’s a useful tool that serves several purposes. It helps the employer efficiently divide up the tasks...
Your company description can help attract the best applicants
Jul 5, 2018 | Human Resources, Industry News, Recruiting
Guess what! Even a well-crafted, detailed job description might not get you the candidate you’re looking for. So in a bustling economy with more jobs than applicants, it can be difficult to stand out. However, there’s an often overlooked factor that can help...